
Showing posts from May, 2020

A case of 42yr old female with multiple health events since birth

Following is my analysis of the 42 year old female  patient multiple problems which she had since birth *Jaundice at birth associated with other congenital malformations  ( Suggests that there may be hemolysis at birth) *Sleeplessness  (since birth which might have occurred due to   G6PD Deficiency or AMPD1 deficiency)     {These diagnoses were suspected based on other symptoms like: Anaemia, Exacerbation of symptoms after consumption of flava beans and antiviral drugs for G6PD deficiency. Muscle dysfunction for AMPD1 deficiency.} *Fluctuating Edema  (Overview of G6PD deficiency:   (Edema was extremely fluctuating within days and trigger points as mentioned by the patient were Emotional stress, Eating wrong food, Exercise in excess, Smoke. It relieved spontaneously. Associated with SOB and dark urine. These features are suggestive of G6PD deficiency which causes damage to the organs like kidney by free radicals because of lack o